Americans Quotes

Text Quotes
Medicare is a monopoly: a central-planning bureaucracy grafted onto American health care. It exercises a stranglehold on the health care of all Americans over 65, and on the medical practices of almost all physicians. Medicare decides what is legitimate and what is not: which prices may be charged and which services may be rendered. (Americans Quotes)
And in terms of their crown jewel legislative achievement: who knew that when asked, ‘will government impose a new federal mandate requiring middle class Americans to buy health insurance whether they can afford it or not?’ The answer would be ‘Yes we can!’ (Americans Quotes)
Obama promised a return to competence and confidence and asked the nation to believe again that the government could do big things well. In the end, he got his big thing, a once-in-a-generation revision to the basic social compact, a commitment of health coverage to nearly all Americans. He has yet to prove he can do it well. (Americans Quotes)
After 100 years of trying, finally we passed health care for all Americans as a right for all - not just a privilege for a few. It honored the vows of our Founders: Of life, a healthier life; liberty; the freedom to pursue our own happinesses. ... We knew that ... this bill was ironclad constitutionally. (Americans Quotes)
America spends a fortune on drugs: more per person than any other nation on earth, even though Americans are no healthier than the citizens of other advanced nations. (Americans Quotes)
Like most North Americans, I’d been raised on the notion that milk is the first food, and everybody must like it because it’s so good and so important for growing up and for being healthy. (Americans Quotes)
This heinous crime should be of particular concern to all of us. . . . I know my colleagues will agree that the murder of Americans overseas cannot go unpunished. I will continue to closely follow developments in this case[.] (Americans Quotes)
Special interests don’t want border controls because uncontrolled immigration lowers wages, but the job of a president is to fight for higher pay for all Americans, including recent legal immigrants living here today. (Americans Quotes)